Saturday, 3 September 2011

Anti - Money Laundering

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As my professional assignment i have chosen to create a generic course on Money Laundering for beginners to the trade of insurance.  In this course i intend to utilize the already available open resources to touch upon the basic concepts. To start her is a brief introduction to the concept:

Money Laundering is the process of moving illegally acquired cash through financial systems to make it appear legally acquired. It involves processing of dirty money in order to disguise its illegal origin. Dirty money is proceeds derived from criminal conduct. Criminals want the money to look like it came from a legitimate source. Money Laundering is commonly done by criminals, like smugglers and drug dealers, to avoid attention from the law on the illegal sources of their income.
Money Laundering helps criminals to enjoy their illegally earned wealth. Criminals utilise various means to launder money; banks, exchange dealers, finance companies, investment companies, casinos, precious metal dealers, and auction houses.

Here is for you a video from you tube that touches upon how the process of Money Laundering actually works.  

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